

Westrup Illustraties
In samenwerking met Luc Visuals

In collaboration with Luc Visuals


Nederlandse Voedsel en Warenautoriteit
In opdracht van HR Media, in samenwerking met Luc Visuals

Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority
Animation about pest animals
By order of HR Media, in collaboration with Luc Visuals


Verbond van Verzekeraars
In opdracht van HR Media, in samenwerking met Luc Visuals

Animation about certificates of health
Dutch Association of Insurers
By order of HR Media, in collaboration with Luc Visuals

Agressie raadsleden

In opdracht van HR Media, in samenwerking met Luc Visuals

Animation about agression against council members
By order of HR Media, in collaboration with Luc Visuals

Autist! De film

In opdracht van Jeugdplatform Amsterdam, Jeanne Rutgers
In samenwerking met Luc Visuals

Autist! The movie
By order of Youthplatform Amsterdam, Jeanne Rutgers
In collaboration with Luc Visuals

Centrale Organisatie van Voetbal Scheidsrechters

In opdracht van HR Media, in samenwerking met Luc Visuals

Central Organization of Foodball Referees
Promotion animation
By order of HR Media, in collaboration with Luc Visuals

Promotie film

Eigen productie

Promotion animation
Private production

Film Nederlandse Vereniging van Patiënten met SternoCostoClaviculaire Hyperostosis (SCCH)

In opdracht van HR Media, in samenwerking met Luc Visuals

Film for Dutch Patients Association regarding SternoCostoClaviculaire Hyperostosis (SCCH)
By order of HR Media, in collaboration with Luc Visuals